Folia faunistica Slovaca (2009) 14 (12): 89-93



Contribution to Philopotamidae and Odontoceridae larvae distribution in Slovak river sub-basins

Emília Mišíková Elexová & Margita Lešťáková

Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva (Water Research Institute), arm. gen. L. Svobodu 5, 812 49 Bratislava, Slovakia [,]

Received: 28.9.2009; Accepted: 31.10.2009; Published: 9.11.2009


Within the framework of ecological status assessment and establishment of reference conditions in Slovak streams, a regular survey of benthic invertebrates has been realized since autumn 2003. Species composition of caddis flies larvae (Trichoptera), as the significant indicators of water quality has been studied in more than 300 sampling sites of all Slovak river basins. New records of Philopotamus montanus (Donovan, 1813), Philopotamus ludificatus McLachlan, 1878 and Odontocerum albicorne (Scopoli, 1763) were examined in Slovak streams within 13 river subbasins during the investigation of species distribution. These typical rheobionts, belonging to rithral representatives were present prevailingly in reference localities defined by high or good ecological status. All species inhabit submountainous and mountainous regions, Ph. montanus and O. albicorne descend to uplands as well.

Key words

Philopotamus, Odontocerum, Trichoptera, river basin, distribution, presence, Slovakia, reference localities.


Within the framework of ecological status assessment and establishment of reference conditions in Slovak streams, a survey of benthic invertebrates as one of the relevant biological quality element has been realized. Caddis flies larvae (Trichoptera) represent the important and diversified community in water ecosystem. They belong to the most significant indicators of the quality of water environment due to their specific ecological demands. According to the catalogue of benthic invertebrates of Slovakia (Šporka (ed.) 2003) more than 175 caddis flies species were examined in Slovak streams. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the species distribution of selected Trichoptera families (Philopotamidae, Odontoceridae) within Slovak river basins.

Material and methods

Seasonal samplings (spring/autumn period) and processing of benthic community have been performed since autumn 2003 by means of standardized procedure (STN 75 7715, AQEM Consortium 2002) in localities included in Slovak National Monitoring Network (Makovinská et al. 2009). "Multihabitat" samplings were performed quantitatively by "kicking" method using hand-net (frame 25 x 25 cm, mesh size 500 µm). The samples were preserved and stored in 4 % formaldehyde after washing, sieving and field selection. After washing the samples by sieving in laboratory the individuals of each present systematic group were sorted out and determined to the lowest possible systematic level. The presence of found taxa was evaluated within 13 river subbasins – classified according to Šporka (ed.) (2003).

Results and discussion

The taxa determination in this present study is based on regular systematic survey of more than 300 sampling sites (number and localization of sites were updated annualy). Presence of Philopotamidae representatives: Philopotamus montanus (Donovan, 1813), Philopotamus ludificatus McLachlan, 1878 and Odontoceridae: Odontocerum albicorne (Scopoli, 1763) was recorded in other river basins in comparison with those in the catalogue of Šporka (ed.) 2003.

New records of Ph. ludificatus and O. albicorne were examined in four and three river basins respectively (Tab. 1). Ph. montanus occurred in the largest number (6) of newly recorded river basins. None of these three species has occurred in the basins of the rivers Ipeľ, Hornád and Bodrog so far. During our study the regular occurrence of O. albicorne and Ph. montanus was examined namely in the Hornád River Basin. In the Bodrog River Basin Ph. montanus was commonly recorded.

Presence of the studied species in Slovak river subbasins during the survey period is shown on scheme (Fig. 1).

None of three above mentioned species was examined in the basins of the Danube, lower Váh and Latorica rivers. Despite this fact O. albicorne occurred in all three river basins, Ph. montanus was recorded in the basins of the Danube and the Latorica and Ph. ludificatus was examined in the Latorica River Basin as noted in Zaťovičová & Novikmec (2003). On the contrary, absence of O. albicorne in the Ipeľ River Basin, of Ph. ludificatus in the Morava, Ipeľ and Bodrog river basins as well as absence of all three species in the Tisa River Basin was confirmed. The other listed records (Tab. 1) confirmed the previous published data.

In the majority of cases both families were represented in reference localities regardless of altitude. Reference localities are defined by "high or good ecological status" in terms of EU Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/ES), Šporka et al. (2007) and Catalogue of reference localities (Bartík et al. 2008). Other localities (10 monitoring sites with worse ecological status) inhabited by mentioned taxa were characterized mostly by higher altitude (above 400 m a.s.l.) and small or medium catchment area (10-100 km2, 100-1000 km2 respectively) within Carpathians ecoregion (Illies 1978, Dobiášová et al. 2006). All species are rithral representatives, Ph. ludificatus more epirithral while the others are more metarithral. It is strongly related to the hypsometric distribution and saprobic demands of studied species. Although all inhabit submountainous and mountainous regions, Ph. ludificatus was not found below 500 m a.s.l. On the contrary, the remaining species descend to uplands (200–500 m a.s.l.) as well. Regarding saprobity demands, Ph.ludificatus considered to be xenosaprobic as well as oligosaprobic indicator (Šporka (ed.) 2003) was found only in reference sites. Ph. montanus and O. albicorne tending to inhabit localities with oligosaprobic and even beta-mesosaprobic conditions occurred also in monitoring sites with moderate ecological status (Smolná - mouth, Hnilec - downstream Mníšek, Smolník - mouth) and even poor ecological status (Poprad - Veľká Lomnica). All species are considered typical rheobionts bound to the lithal substrate.


The authors thanks are due to Dr. Z. Čiamporová Zaťovičová (Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences) and Dr. M. Novikmec (Technical University in Zvolen, Faculty of Ecology and Environmental sciences) for identification of some individuals.


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